Ayvalık Çemen (Trigonella coerulescens ayvalikensis): An Endemic Treasure of Turkey

Buradanara Paylaşımları
Fotoğraf: Fazlı Yurtsever


  • A brief introduction to endemic species and their importance.
  • The discovery and unique characteristics of Ayvalık çemen.
Fotoğraf: Fazlı Yurtsever


  • Description of the plant’s physical appearance, including leaves, flowers, and fruits.
  • Comparison with other similar species.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Information about the specific location where the plant grows.
  • The climatic and soil conditions required for its survival.

Local Names

  • If there are any other local names used for the plant, they can be mentioned here.

Medicinal Value

  • A discussion on the potential medicinal properties of the plant, based on scientific research or traditional knowledge.

Culinary Uses

  • Information about any traditional or potential culinary uses of the plant.

Origin of the Genus Name

  • Explanation of the meaning behind the scientific name.

Other Information

  • Additional interesting facts about the plant, such as its conservation status, cultural significance, and potential for future research.


  • A summary of the key points and the importance of preserving this endemic species.
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